Learning Objectives:

  • Expand your knowledge of biofilm infection and the role it plays in treatment decision making.

  • Discover the value and benefit of the 80/20 Principle of ultrasonic’s for prophylaxis, periodontal therapy, and recare risk management.

  • Recognize the biologically acceptable treatment end-point of magnetostrictive and piezo debridement through insert and tip designs.

  • Identify the most common clinical errors when using power scalers that compromise treatment results.

  • Develop “new” ultrasonic clinical skills that guarantee patient comfort and a biologically acceptable treatment outcome for predictable patient healing.  


Lasers In The Hands Of Dental Hygienists

Ultrasonic’s “Olympic Gold” in

Patient Health and Wellness Workshop 

This live interactive Power Scaling Workshop combines simulation and hands-on clinical education designed to teach the practicing Dental Hygienist the latest, most advanced, effective, Magnetostrictive and Piezoelectric instrumentation techniques.​

​Available Programs:  

  • 1 Day (7CE Credits) Hands -On Simulation Ultrasonic Workshop ( Group programs, Dental and Dental Hygiene Study Clubs, Organizations, International, National, State and Local Associations, Dental Manufacturers)   CONTACT 

  • 1 1/2 Day (12CE Credits) Private In-Office Workshop with Live Patient Ultrasonic Instrumentation  CONTACT

The changing face of Periodontal Medicine and the Oral Systemic connection brings us to an ever expanding model of patient care. Many paradigms which have therapeutic implications related to periodontal therapy have changed.  Expanding our knowledge of biofilm pathogenesis, risk factors for periodontal diseases, and the cascading systemic effects of these infections call for the integration of technological advancements in Magnetostrictive and Piezoelectric instrumentation methods that maximize clinical end-point in treating patients to health and wellness.